Terrorism is the use of violence or intimidation in the pursuit of a political aim. The highest political aim is the creation and enforcement of law. Cops use violence and intimidation to enforce law. Therefore, all cops are, by definition, terrorists. - Dane Whalen
The 'thin blue line' is nothing more than the no snitching policy found in any other criminal gang. - Dane Whalen
The social contract known as 'The Constitution' has been null and void since the last person who signed it, died. Even then, it was only ever applicable to the men who signed it. That's how contracts work. - Dane Whalen
More often than not, a statist's argument against Anarchism boils down to an unwillingness to take control and responsibility for their own lives, actions, and communities. The sad truth is that the human animal has been domesticated to the point where it actually fears Liberty. - Dane Whalen
Anarchy and Liberty are synonymous. Anything less is merely gradient levels of slavery. - Dane Whalen
Patriotism is the product of successful systematic indoctrination. - Dane Whalen